Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Never really wanted to fight. In the first world Ken Avant wasnt needed.

Ace could get the job done. I never really am the instigator. But being high on isolation and poison, twists your mind.... You lash out, sometimes at innocents, and it hurts to know you were that fury driven, hate inspired because of a simulation game, you hurt others. You wonder if you're the bad guy, and you see, when I pray on my knees to God and God Chat opens up, he tells me, "You aren't in the wrong". I think, life is a rare gift. Better if you can die, cause then it keeps giving and then, you see the world through Christs eyes and you truly admire it.
What I'm trying to say is: - "I/we don't want to fight, but if I/we have to and I/we give a fraction of what I/we can give....." You get the picture.
Ken Avant.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Endurance-Ken Avant
en·dur·ance (n-drns, -dyr-)
1. The act, quality, or power of withstanding hardship or stress: The Ability to WithStand Pain.
2. The state or fact of persevering: Through hard work and endurance, we will complete this project.
3. Continuing existence; duration.

All you warriors need to know this.
Ken Avant.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

You feeling down? Check these 3.-Ken Avant

I've done a lot, but I have a heart. Here: -
God Speed.-Ken Avant.

The Complexities of The Lord.

Righteousness-By Ken Avant.

right·eous (rchs)
1. Morally upright; without guilt or sin: a righteous parishioner.
2. In accordance with virtue or morality: a righteous judgment.
3. Morally justifiable: righteous anger. See Synonyms at moral.
Righteous people considered as a group.
[Middle English ryghtuous, alteration of rihtwise, from Old English rihtws : riht, right; see right + -wse, -wise.]
righteous·ly adv.
righteous·ness n.

God is the Epitome of this, blameless and worthy of praise.All warriors must strive to achieve righteousness at all times. If something is unrighteous, no matter how nice it may seem, cast it out, seek the righteous way instead.
Ken Avant.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Why Pray?-Ken Avant

Why Pray? Report
The Ace Report

You need to pray to find the truth. Life, in this world,

is so full of lies. We often live a life, that is a

complete lie, not knowing where we come from, what we are

meant, to do, really, or even who we truly are.
If you pray to the Christian God, you will be enlightened

to the truth, knowing things that were previously unknown

or alien to you, and you will feel at ease with the

"voices" in your head. They will be controlled. Pray, and

the truth, will be revealed, as Christ promised,
here is how, to pray:

Ken Avant.
08:21 07/03/2013