Monday 4 February 2013 The Ace Report Ace on:- Spirit power
The Ace Report
Ace on:-
Spirit power
is an intensity that is faith based and cannot be normally

seen. It is this power that is what everything is made of,

not a vibration, thats what they WANT YOU TO BELIEVE.

Everything is comprised of this power, and it is this that

is the driving force behind everything.

If you pray on your knees, you will feel an incredible

force entering you. Some see this as pain, but it is

actually the grace of the Christian Religions God that you

are feeling, and his servants. This power, can enable

eternal life, techniques from the bibilical ages, or even

hidden knowledge and more.

One word of warning, do not use your power for evil, if

you do, you will be stripped of all power, like I was in

2011 around the time of my Suicide. You have been warned. 

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