Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Y'know. People seem to think if they give you enough aggression...

You'll just back down and give up...Works that way for a lot of warriors. Me...I just keep fighting, cause unlike them, I'm like my brothers. I'm immortal. I get angry, cause people don't tell me whats up, they killed my father, got me regressed to One in '69.... Society has done many things. I sometimes peer into minds. and all I see is "We want you as our slaves. Yield." And I cant. If I did, I'd end up limit breaking Earth, and I've done that before..... Doesn't bode well. People.... Carry on cause they want something, even if that something is Death and the Fantasy that is most peoples Heaven.... Heaven isn't a nice place. So if they want that.... It leads to unrighteousness. Maybe if they wanted to live, be immortal, train hard enough to get it, they would be more Righteous, maybe I, wouldn't, get angry with them. I've been through a lot. Not easy to cope with, from being Shot with Rail Guns, to Fights CONSTANT, to training that hard I go full circle.... Its not easy for me, and I'm just a kid in the corner of the Bar, looking for a Friend, or if I cant get that, a Fight to satisfy him..... Just wish I could spend my 'illegal' dollars, not even 'illegal' by my point of view..... I'm doing everyone a favor.
Ace Mk.I

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