Tuesday 4 June 2013

This place gives me the Creeps. Trehvon Hay.

This place gives me the Creeps. Trehvon Hay.

Prison System 1988.

Guitars by Ace Mk.I, Robert Fight. Choir synth by Cammy Snake, beat by Leon Nuclear.

See it on EP.org (The IP address)

[Ace Mk.I]
I want my perfect body.
I want my hair.
I wanna be fullyyyy.
equipped like African
nin po.
I want to be a Fighter.
I want to be in Ann Avenue
I wanna be that Righteous
I wanna be like Christ.
But I'm a Ninja.
I'm a Street Fighter...
What the hell am I doing on...
Trehvon Hay??
[4 II]
I see what theyre doing to you.
But the CueBalls gone forever.
So we all Fight harder.
I wanna be a Fighter.
I wanna be like Ace.
I wanna meet my brother.
I wanna ride a bike.
But hes a Ninja.
Hes a Street Fighter.
What the hell is he doing on...
Trehvon Hay?
[Vampire Ocelot]
You see him Fight everythin.
You see him do prayer.
Life aint been nice to him.
He aint got a house.
Its a fear pit hell hole.
So what does he do?
He fights.
Hes a ninja.
Hes a Street Fighter.
What theyre doin to him now.
Hes done it before pal.
[Leon Nuclear]
Sometimes he thinks that
he should give up.
Takes on androids.
For fun.
Even kickin ass,
or so many guys
[M Harold]
Even Id have little chance.
Totals blocks
and saves even Gods
Never gives up.
Even humilates himself
to save others
Hes a saviour,
man hes been through more
bull shit
than Sonic and Solid

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