Tuesday 4 June 2013

Cant Get the Best of Me.

Cant Get the Best of Me.

By Prison System 1988.

You can also see it on EP.org (The IP address)

Lead guitar(Synth) by Ace Mk.I
Beat by Leon Nuclear.
Pianos by Maria M.
Bass by NeoAce.
Strings by Vampire Ocelot.
'Revolver' Bass by RA.

[Ace Mk.I]
Some times.
Life gets the best of me.
In 2005.
Life got the best of me...
But I came out fightin back.
I tell my enemies
You cant get the best of me.
I say this
I'm a Street Fighter
You cant get the best of me.
Thass what made me
The guy that made the
Fu*king tracks
and this today
Never back down.

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